allInsider posted an update in the group General Discussion
Can Ion Text Revolutionise The Way We Talk?
Ion text could just as well be another piece of colloquial language usage, but do we overlook its capacity for altering our tendencies in communication? Let’s take a closer look:Abbreviation Use: ‘Ion’ means ‘I don’t’ and so it is used to save time during conversations.
Popularity Spike: It became f…[Read more]
allInsider posted an update in the group General Discussion
What Is IMY Meaning In Text?
Sometimes the texters use abbreviations and if you are in the world of texting, then probably you might have come across these IMY. But is there more to it than just, ‘I miss you’? Okay now let’s decipher what does IMY Meaning In Textand how it is being employed.
Common Usage: IMY is an acronym that goes direc…[Read more]